Start Your Marriage on the Right Footing

A strong marriage is built on trust, mutual respect and communication. Modern secular marriage laws follow the general culture of disposability and selfishniess. Under secular marriage laws, either party can leave the marriage at any time, and take everything with them - including the children.
The Halachic Prenup is built atop our thousands-years tradition of Chuppah, Ketubah & Kiddushin. A couple who marry under the chuppah make a covenant to eachother and to God in front of witnesses, in front of their families and in front of their communities. In recent years, the Jewish marriage values have too often been cast aside because its terms are unenforceable in modern countries. The Halachic Prenup brings these values back in a way that modern secular courts will more likely recognize and ensure that the values of the ketubah are honored by both parties
Of course, perhaps most importantly the Halachic Prenup protects both parties to the marriage from issues of agunah and agun where if God-forbid one party breaks their convenant to the other spouse, the other spouse has remedies to ensure that the offending spouse will participate in the religious divorce process and give/accept a Gett.